Zatôichi: The Last review

Boooring film. It has nothing to do with Kitano Takeshi's "Zatoichi". Too bad, because Katori Shingo is a good actor but in this film was totally idle.

Matchstick Men review

Pretty funny, it's just an entertaining film. It could be better, especially in the ending that - instead of being surprising - is rather predictable and disappointing.

Nekonade review

Nekonade is a story of a cute cute cat. Nothing but this.
If you like cats and feel like watching a light film with an ordinary script (a cool man that finds his tender side in taking care of a kitty) this is for you. But do not expect anything more.
If you like cats and feel like watching a light film with an ordinary script (a cool man that finds his tender side in taking care of a kitty) this is for you. But do not expect anything more.

Infernal Affairs review

A great script and an energetic direction for a movie that catched me and kept me holding my breath all the way to the end. A well-constructed story with dialogues that mesure words and silences printing them in an amazing cinematography. Especially if you watch it after "The Departed", you'll understand that a movie can be strong and powerful without swearing every 15 seconds. I mean, "The Departed" is a good movie, Martin Scorsese is a master in telling crime stories, but comparing to "Infernal Affairs", it may look a little redundant of explicit sentences and with an unnecessary love triangle. Because in this film the suspense is all in the story itself and in the eyes of the lead actors, Tony Leung and Andy Lau: cool but nervous, trying to smile while they're conscious to be trapped in their own lives. And this work so accurate and unexcessive makes me think that "Infernal Affairs" has something special. It's like a machine that works perfectly with its gears and makes no more noise than is required.

Qualunquemente review

It's almost a documentary about the Italian modern politics :D
The unbelievable thing is that in Italy we have some politicians able to make Cetto La Qualunque look like a boy scout.
La cosa incredibile è che in Italia abbiamo politici capaci di far sembrare Cetto La Qualunque un boy scout.
The unbelievable thing is that in Italy we have some politicians able to make Cetto La Qualunque look like a boy scout.
Quasi un documentario sulla politica moderna italiana :DLa cosa incredibile è che in Italia abbiamo politici capaci di far sembrare Cetto La Qualunque un boy scout.

La prima linea (2009) review

Monotonous, like the voice and the expression of the lead actor. Even Giovanna Mezzogiorno gave the worst performance I've seen till now.
Monotono, come la voce e l'esspressione dell'attore principale. Persino Giovanna Mezzogiorno ha dato la peggiore performance che ho visto fin ora.
Che bella giornata review

Very stupid. A movie that tries to make you laugh and think, dealing with the problem of prejudice against foreigners, but that cannot reach neither one nor the other goal. And not to be really funny, for a comedy, is not a small thing. I still can't understand why it has been a box-office hit, that in Italy it has beaten "Life is beautiful" by Roberto Benigni. Even the first work by Checco Zalone, "Cado dalle nubi", at least offered a few laughs, although the heap of old jokes about homosexuality and gags already seen on tv.
Molto stupido. Un film che cerca di far ridere ma anche pensare, affrontando il problema dei pregiudizi nei confronti degli stranieri, ma che non riesce né in uno né nell'altro intento. E per un film comico, non essere davvero divertente non è cosa da poco. Non riesco ancora a capire come può essere stato un campione d'incassi, tanto da superare anche "La vita è bella" di Roberto Benigni. Persino la prima opera di Checco Zalone, "Cado dalle nubi", offriva almeno qualche risata, nonostante l'ammasso di vecchie battute sull'omosessualità e gag già viste in tv.
Draquila - L'Italia che trema review

With a good mix of journalism and comedy, Sabina Guzzanti offers us a different point of view of the earthquake that shocked Italy in 2009, letting us see everything that the news have not shown: interesting and funny.
Con un buon mix di giornalismo e commedia, Sabina Guzzanti ci offre un differente punto di vista sul terremoto che ha scioccato l'Italia nel 2009, e ci fa vedere tutto quello che i telegiornali non hanno mostrato: interessante e divertente.
Whip It review

Colorful and enjoyable debut for Drew Barrymore as a director. The story - based on the novel "Derby Girl" by Shauna Cross - don't really tells something original, but people living in the protagonist's world are all well-characterized and even her coming-of-age has some good points that never degenerate into melodramatic. The only flaw is Jimmy Fallon's character, very annoying. The rest of the cast is amazing, with Ellen Page above everybody else. Juliette Lewis always plays herself, but she does it well.

Your Highness review

The inflationary peak of vulgarity in comedies. Tons of sex jokes so used in modern cinema that don't even make you laugh anymore, and some fighting scenes unable to involve. Pretending to bring something new - like a bigger fatter foul-mouthed movie - it was not unlike the other teen pruriginous comedies. It made me wonder if Natalie Portman and James Franco really read the script before accepting.