"Grazie dei suggerimenti. Appena avrò il tempo li aggiungo! :)"

"1. Fargo 2. The Shield 3. The X Files 4. Dexter 5. Lost 6. House of cards 7. Arrested Development 8. Fringe 9. A young Doctor's notebook 10. Sex and the city"

"@the OP: ci posso lavorare, grazie del suggerimento! @catcarlo: è vero, mi ero dimenticata quel titolo da romanzetto harmony! Lo aggiungo in Miscellaneous. Grazie :)"

"Nice! I love him too. I read Norwegian Wood and Kafka on the shore. Plus South of the border west of the sun, 1q84 and some others. I'd like to start the Trilogy of the rat."

"I went there when I was little. The most magical experience in my childhood :) It tooks 2 days to see (almost) everything!"

"Added. Thank you both for your suggestions!"

"It's a matter of taste :D Actually I looked desperately to find another reason, but I didn't!"

"I guess I read it carefully, but still don't understand why they deleted a ton of rare behind the scenes pictures from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate factory and Lord of the Rings, like this http://www.l"

"Bravo! Bella idea riportare come anche i nostri titoli vengano distorti all'estero :) Però ammettiamo che alcuni, soprattutto negli anni '70, erano talmente lunghi che era impossibile non farlo, m'im"

"Great list! I already watched Hugo and I loved it, and My week with Marilyn but my expectations has been a little disappointed. The poster of Batman trilogy you added was deletd but I re-uploaded it "

"Great list indeed :) The poster of Batman trilogy you added was deletd but I re-uploaded it here http://www.listal.com/viewimage/4805741 So feel free to add this again and please vote, if you like it."

"Great list! The poster of Batman trilogy you added was deletd but I re-uploaded it here http://www.listal.com/viewimage/4805741 So feel free to add this again and please vote, if you like it."

"Great job! I mostly found short films, here there are even links for features films! Will you hate me if I "steal" some of these and put them in my list? :D As Tim Burton's fan, I'm looking forward to"

"Che dire, grazie! Mi hai fatto ricordare alcune serie - tipo Chips e Tequila e Bonetti - che avevo quasi rimosso dalla memoria :P"

"Great job. I agree with many of your comments, like the ones for The Devil's Double and - yes! - Priest. And finally I found someone who enjoyed Machine Gun Preacher, a little underrated movie (at lea"

"The only one I've seen is Your Highness. I was fooled by the cast - Portman, Franco - I thought it'd be funny but it was a complete waste of time. Good list! Now I know it was a good choice not to see"

"I love you giving me your advices :) I know I have a limited knowlegde of Audrey Hepburn, maybe it's because the first and only movie with her I've ever seen is Sabrina and - in spite of the cast and"