"I just used the English proverb "Life is too short to drink bad wine"."

"Bella, lista interessante! Attenzione, in questo periodo stanno "ripulendo" il sito da immagini doppie o non valide e ci sono un sacco di immagini che non si vedono piรน. E un piccolo suggerimento: pr"

"For me it's hard to choose, they're both my favorites. But if I had to, I'd pick Al Pacino because he's got a kind of fierceness in his eyes that makes his characters unique."

"Some of my favorite authors + my favorite animal = I love this list :)"

"Se ti riferisci alla fila, li ho messi in ordine casuale, sono tutti tra i miei preferiti. Spero di poterlo vedere anch'io dal vivo presto, il suo disco mi รจ piaciuto moltissimo."

"May I suggest something? - Gantz released in Japan in January 2011 (according to IMDB) - Gantz: Perfect Answer 23 April 2011 And before the second movie they also released a tv movie called Another Ga"

"Good! But what about Scorsese+DiCaprio? 4 films and probably they will be together again in "Sinatra"."

"To be honest, I never heard about it. I'll try to take a look. Thanks!"

"Strange, because when I'm gonna give a vote I always round it up, if I think it's 6.5 I give 7, etc. I mostly consider the script, how it's written and what the director transmits me. Everybody has hi"

"@Akazuin: the girl playing is chou kawaii :) @Mateus: please let me know when you make it, I'll take a look"

"Nice! I agree with you for almost all of items, and tonight I think I'm gonna watch The Departed, even if I watched the original film - Infernal Affairs - just a few months ago, and it's a great movie"

"I thought about watching True Blood a few times, but never done. And I'm not interested in Transformers"

"Interessante :) Sarebbe bello vederne anche una versione al maschile, ci sono tanti grandi attori che hanno interpretato il ruolo di insegnante..."

"Oh, I took stock of the votes/suggestions. Here they are: Amy Winehouse voted by RockerChick Cameron Diaz voted by JayTrotter Carrot Top voted by CharlotteStein Christopher Walken voted by RockerChic"